TULIP’s Report of the Week
By Heidi Trautmann
TULIP’s busy angels Sue and Carole have sent me their report again. They herewith want to thank those who supported the charity action for Those with Cancer. “Firstly - Fez - a big thank you to Hayal for allowing us to sell in her beautifully decorated Christmas Grotto on Friday 7 December, we raised a great 160TL on the sale of our Raffle Tickets and thoroughly enjoyed the music of Barry Snakes.”
“Secondly - We were invited to sell our raffle tickets at the BRS Mince Pie and Mulled Wine party for its members at St Andrews Church Hall on Saturday 8 December 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. BRS have supported Tulips/Help Those With Cancer Association all this year and we can't tell the committee enough how grateful we have been for the opportunities they have afforded us to raise the much needed funds for the Association - we raised a FANTASTIC 590TL in those 2 hours and would like to thank the generosity of all who attended and brought our tickets.”
“Thirdly - Bella View Christmas Sing-a-long - We would like to thank Starlite (Anthony McCartney, Jan Parkinson, Dawn Buyuktas, Ian Chennelle) for inviting Tulips to join them for an evening of Yuletide entertainment. It was a fabulous evening with everyone getting into the spirit of things especially when the 12 days of Christmas was sung! We would like to also thank everyone who attended (650TL was raised on entrance fees) and those that took part in the fundraiser for the evening which netted Tulips a further 280TL and in addition allowed Chris Burton from Karsiyaka take home 140TL in prize money.”
“Finally we would like to say a huge thank you to Scott Kennedy of Astute FMA who very generously donated a further 300TL on the night raising our total to 1,230TL and to Bella View Hotel for allowing supporting Tulips for this event.”
The TULIP angels told me they would be out and about to sell further tickets for a very good reason. So watch out and join in helping.