Heidi Trautmann

240 - HASDER – A Place where you can learn traditional handicraft


By Heidi Trautmann


From time to time I visit the HASDER Centre – or Folk Art Institute – with my friends and family who come visiting. There you find all typical Cypriot handicraft displayed and you can watch people at work.


They also hold courses where you really learn the job from scratch. Courses are offered in

-Karpaz Weaving, Straw Weaving, Wood Carving and others;


Except Monday there are daily courses; the costs are TL 80 per month with one day per week; the amount is to be paid in advance. At the end of the course you can take your work home but pay the material.


HASDER is located in a sidestreet near the Selemiye Mosque; there is a road sign.

Email address: hasder@hasder.orgwww.hasder.org




- HASDER is a Non-Government, non-profit Organisation registered first as Folks Art Association in 1977;

- on 5.6.2001as Folks Art Foundation under 2/01 at the Family Court of Nicosia.

- The Folk Art Institute was established in 1999 with the financial support of USAID, UNDP and UNOPS.

- Cyprus Folklore Archive and Library funded by USAID, UNDP through UNOPS in 2002 with 5,000 books, 10,000 documents, including a computer center

- Children Club founded in 1991, with Folk Dances, Choir, Painting and Handicraft, Games and Education in English, theatre, Environmental Activities.

- Youth Club founded in 1997, music, dance, workshops, bi-communal work with Greek Cypriot Youth Group.

- Workshops for all who want to learn about arts and crafts.



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