Heidi Trautmann

Mar 18 - 31 - The 3rd Beşparmak Theatre Festival in Çatalköy 2013

By Heidi Trautmann


Derman Atik, cultural director of Catalköy Belediye and director of the Theatre Group ‘Catalköy Belediye Tiyatro Su’  has again organized - just as last year - a theatre week inviting theatre groups from all over the island to celebrate the International Theatre Day (March 27).

I enjoyed last year’s performances very much, the Dedeman Tent is usually full to the last seat and it conveys something of an exciting village festival, where everybody including grandma and children go to, Cypriots are natural theatre lovers.

Derman Atik is known for his strong theatre group with about 35 members but also for his good organization of cultural events in Catalköy.

Here is the programme:

17 Mar : Panel:Yasar Ersöy speaks about Amateur and Private Theatres at 19:00 hrs at the Dedeman Hotel.


18 Mar: Catalköy Belediye Tiyatro Su with ‘Yahudi’

21 Mar: Lefkosa Sanat Tiyatrosu with ‘Kadin Oyunlari’

23 Mar: Güzelyurt Sanat Dernegi Tiyatrosu with ‘Alo Komsumouzu Öldürdük’

25 Mar: Dördüncü Duvar Kültür ve Düsünce Dernegi with ‘Gizemli Ada 3D’

27 Mar: Catalköy Belediye Theatro Su with ‘Sinir’

29 Mar: Güzelyurt Sehir Tiyatrolari with ‘Hayata Küsme’

31 Mar: Yeni Erenköy Belediyesi Karpaz Esprin Tiyatrosu  with ‘Musizeler Mevsimi’


All performances start at 20:00 hrs at the Dedeman Olive Hotel Tent in Catalköy. Enquire at the Catalköy Municipality for tickets.

Catalköy seen from the village centre
Catalköy seen from the village centre

Dedeman Olive Hotel Tent
Dedeman Olive Hotel Tent


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