Heidi Trautmann

Oct 18 - Kuskor Birding Trip



 Gavin Croucher (gavin.croucher@hotmail.com) This sender is in your contact list.


25 September 2014 10:52:07


KUSKOR GROUP (kuskor@yahoogroups.com); robin_t_e_snape@hotmail.com (robin_t_e_snape@hotmail.com); olkanolky@yahoo.com (olkanolky@yahoo.com)

Due to availability issues the first Kuskor autumn birding trip has been put back a week.....


Now on Saturday 18th October.


Meet up at Lemar Catalkoy at 8am sharp


We plan to visit Ayluga and any other areas with at least some water...



Best regards




Anne Herbert — 'Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.'


Saturday 11th October.

Meet up at Lemar Catalkoy at 8am sharp

We plan to visit Ayluga and any other areas with at least some water...

Fingers crossed for plenty of rain in the intervening period

Please respond if you want to join us and indicate whether you can provide transport for others or need a lift.

Best regards


Anne Herbert — 'Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.'

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