Heidi Trautmann

May 21 - 26 - To the South of France with Nicholas Panayi's Art School and the French Institute


Art Exhibition "Hommage aux artistes français"  at the Famagusta Gate as the result of a journey to France organised by the "Institut Français" and the Art Studio Nicholas Panayi

Opening on May 21 at 19.30 by M.Eric Millet, Chargé d'Affaires of the French Embassy. Miss Virginie Bove will play the flute to give the event a festive note. The impressions of the art journey will be showcased on this occasion, also some work of Rüya Resat who has died so very young about a year ago, a Turkish Cypriot artist who had studied and lived in France.  Heidi


L'atelier d'Art Nicolas Panayi et l'Institut français de Chypre organisent une exposition d'arts plastiques à la Porte de Famagouste (Nicosie), du 21 au 26 mai 2012


Inauguration à 19h30 par M.Eric Millet

L'exposition sera inaugurée lundi 21 mai, à 19h30, par le Chargé d'affaires de l'ambassade de France, M. Eric Millet. On notera aussi la participation de la flûtiste Virginie Bove

Hommage aux artistes français!

Parallèlement à cette exposition, seront également présentées les oeuvres des participants au concours organisé par l'institut français de Chypre : "Hommage aux grands peintres français", ainsi que des oeuvres de Ruya Rësat, en hommage à cette artiste chypriote turque récemment disparue.

Atelier d'Art : www.artlessonscyprus.com ; www.nicolaspanayi.com ; 99 511 509
Institut français de Chypre : 22 45 93 38/39

The Art studio Nicholas Panayi as part of its educational programs, organizes each year trips to different parts of the world in search of the art and culture that identify the peoples they visit.

Experiences with the local artists, museums and galleries, fine art schools and other art organizations, sketches, photographs and many more constitute strong stimuli for creating.

After each trip participants work hard to produce art work that each year is presented in the form of an exhibition were the viewer gets a taste of the culture of the place visited. 

Some of the destinations so far are the Czech Republic, the UK, France, Holland, Portugal, Russia, Greece, USA and Cuba.


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