Heidi Trautmann

1078: 20 July 2020 Peace and Freedom Day – Art Exhibition at the Neart East University

By Heidi Trautmann


Normal times seem to come back, I have missed the art exhibitions. On July 21, I went to the third … I call them Breakfast Exhibitions at Near East University after the outbreak of Corona Virus Pandemic… at 09:00 hrs at the Irfan Günsel Congress Centre Exhibition Hall with works by the Academic Personnel from the Fine Arts Department together with paintings by artists from countries such as Kirgistan, Tacikistan, Özbekistan, Kazakistan, Gürcistan, Azerbaycan, Gagauzya and Russia.

I missed the opening speeches but still met the artists Mustafa Hastürk and Serkan Ilseven with their wives, who have new works exhibited there for the occasion, beautiful abstract colour compositions; the exhibition was to celebrate the 20 July Peace and Freedom Day 2020.

Mostly large sized paintings by the guest artists who had come here on the occasion of workshops or in residency and worked here on the island – I could recognize many scenes from Nicosia and Girne, well done.

The teaching staff from the university also brought on display very nice printing works and I could recognise them from their style and message, however many of the other art works were not signed and names and work information was not given.

What a treasure there is waiting for the finalization of the new art museum, the infrastructure of which you can already see from afar. What an achievement.

The exhibition is open to visit until 29 July and viewing times are from 08:00 – 16:00 hrs. The building is the high building behind the hospital.

Mustafa Hastürk and Serkan Ilseven with wives
Mustafa Hastürk and Serkan Ilseven with wives

















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