Heidi Trautmann

Sep 23 - Traditional Shadow Theatre at the Home for Cooperation Nicosia


23rd September, Wednesday
20:00 at Home for Cooperation / The Home Cafe

Karagiozis' Engagement* 

This performance is a traditional comedy of Greek shadow theatre. The performance will be in Greek. But children and adults will still enjoy it even if they don't understand the language.

Karagiozis gets employed as a servant at a rich man’s house in order to welcome his guests who come to meet his young and beautiful daughter, as she is going to choose to marry one of them. As usual, Karagiozis overturns everything…

Thodoris Kostidakis is a shadow-theatre performer, a drama workshops facilitator, with university studies on architecture and holds an MA on theories of space and design. He learned the art of shadow theatre from his father, Takis Kostidakis – including performing and figure making.

In 2012, he started the project “ΚαραγκιόΖΕΙΣ παντού!” with ‘Arts and Moods Workshop’, in which he collaborates with several artists and artistic teams, in order to suggest events and performances based on the art of shadow theatre

‘Karagiozis’ performances take place in art exhibitions, creative workshops, educational courses, music and/or theatrical performances, storytelling (Οκλαδόν) etc in festivals and events at public spaces, schools, museums etc.

Check out the event page here.

*The performance that we announced in the previous newsletter was postponed due to the heavy dust clouds. As the saying goes, better late than never.
Gölge oyununun geleneksel komedi tarzındaki Karagöz performansı Dayanışma Evi'ne geliyor. Oyun Thodoris Kostidakis tarafından Rumca dilinde gerçekleştirecek. Ama biz oyunun dilini anlamasalar bile, bütün çocuk ve yetişkinlerin eğleneceğinden eminiz. Bu gölge oyunu her zaman olduğu gibi halka açık ve ücretsizdir.

Karagöz zengin bir adamın uşağı olarak işe alınır ve görevi bu zengin adamın genç ve güzel kızıyla evlenmek isteyen misafirleri ağırlamaktır. Ama her zamanki gibi Karagöz herşeyi yine alt üst edecektir.

Thodoris Kostidakis bir gölge oyunu sanatçısıdır. Mimarlık bölümünden mezun oldu ve mekan/alan ve dizayn üzerine masterlik yaptı. Gölge oyunu sanatlarını, model yapımını ve oynatmayı babası Takis Kostidakis'den öğrendi. 2012'de diğer artist ve sanatçı gruplarla işbirliği yaptığı bir proje başlattı. Bugün Karagöz performansını birçok sergide, sanat ve eğitim üzerine birçok atölye ve seminerde, farklı festivaller, etkinlikler, okul ve müzelerde sergilemektedir.
Η παράσταση θα είναι στα ελληνικά.
Σε αυτήν την παράσταση, θα παρουσιαστεί μια κλασική κωμωδία του ελληνικού θεάτρου σκιών. Ο Καραγκιόζης προσλαμβάνεται ως υπηρέτης στο σπίτι ενός πλούσιου ανθρώπου, έτσι ώστε να υποδέχεται τους καλεσμένους που περιμένουν, οι οποίοι είναι επίδοξοι γαμπροί για την κόρη του οικοδεσπότη. Ως συνήθως, ο Καραγκιόζης ανατρέπει τα πάντα...

Ο Θοδωρής Κωστιδάκης είναι Καραγκιοζοπαίκτης, εμψυχωτής εργαστηρίων θεατρικού παιχνιδιού, με βασικές σπουδές και μεταπτυχιακό στην Αρχιτεκτονική και θεωρία του χώρου. Έμαθε την τέχνη του θεάτρου σκιών από τον πατέρα του, Τάκη Κωστιδάκη – τόσο της εμψύχωσης όσο και της κατασκευής φιγούρων και σκηνικών. Το 2012 ίδρυσε το project «ΚαραγκιοΖΕΙΣ παντού!» μαζί με το Εργαστήρι Τέχνης και Θεάτρου “Arts and Moods”, όπου συμπράττοντας με διάφορες ομάδες τέχνης.


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