Emin Cizenel and Anber Onar at the ArtRooms in Kyrenia
Heidi Trautmann
road is the art, the road of research, of planning and continuing from one
phase to the next. Phase I was in 2007, when the basic thought was born to
research the human existence, the very first matter, coming from fire, being
born from the womb of the earth. In the catalogue Johann Pillai is in all
details going through the six phases of the two artists, explaining their thoughts
and travels and their findings, their way of individual artistic expression and
phases were presented at various venues on different occasions throwing lights
on the basic idea from different angles, steps carefully taken, steps documented
and with historic background, art history and human history. The artists play
with the basic form of ARGILLAE giving them different material appearances,
philosophical touches, bringing to light any interrelations, watching the
development of their ideas through the magnifying glass.
through the centuries they bore witness to the island’s history. Their lives
were lived in the unity of a large family. Each protected the outer cover of
its own loftily baked form. They were nourished with fire and light. No one
heard their whispering songs.” The introduction by Johann Pillai in the
catalogue Generation – The Traces of Emin Cizenel and Anber Onar.
remember the exhibitions in Sidestreets, (No. 318 on my website) here the link
to one of my reviews http://www.heiditrautmann.com/category.aspx?CID=3381548667
where the artists had taken their
argilla animata to Paris, enlarged photos of famous Parisien buildings, and let
them take possession of them: the invasion; those were the pieces raku fired
for Phase I. They took them to make connections in niches of society and
politics, past and present in many kinds of techniques, with clay, ink, print,
photography…and the genealogical tree and now in the Phase VI the argillae
animate are in bronze and judging from the photos and the description of the
individual steps, they have done the bronze casting themselves. Bronze being at
home in Cyprus through the existence of copper. All connected.
sort of frame offer the big canvasses by Emin Cizenel covered with the ‘marks
of fire’, representing a sort of primal state of our earth, soot marks and
strewn about the argillae born out of it.
wonder if the travel of the argillae is going to continue or is the
solidification the last one?
exhibition is on until June 22 at the ArtRooms (opp. The Colony Hotel) from
midday until midnight.