Heidi Trautmann

86 - Call for artists - There is always a way around a wall


Dear friends,

many artists and organisations around the world are taking the 20th anniversary of the Berlin Wall as an initiative to express their feelings about it, to raise their voices to have their say, so the many voices become one big outcry against physical and mental walls. So does Horst Weierstall with his project. Join in!



An artistsbook project  commemorating  the fall of the Berlin Wall in1989


Title of project:  “ There is always a way around a wall ”


Quote: “ It is even said that there are gaps which have never been filled and according to some people they are far larger than the completed sections ”.

                                                          Franz Kafka  “The Great Wall of China”


You are invited to submit an A4 page with a text and an image on A4 page which relates directly or metaphorically to the subject of the wall. Both pages can be sent digitally or by post. In the final presentation all artists`s works will be connected in a single bookform ( accordion shaped ).


The project is organized in collaboration with the Goethe-Institute,Nicosia Cyprus


Dead line for submission: 25th of November 2009

Date of Exhibition: 30th of November 2009


Place of Exhibition:

The Artspace

1010 Nicosia-Cyprus


POBOX 22509

CY 1522 Nicosia-Cyprus

Contact Horst Weierstall

Tel. oo35799875117

e-mail:  art.wh@fit.ac.cy

website: www.horstweierstall.com.cy 

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