Heidi Trautmann

Oct 10 Next Kuskor Birding Trip

Sat Oct 10th The next Kuskor birding trip details‏

Sat Oct 10th The next Kuskor birding trip details


Sadrazamköy, Geçitköy, Kalkanlı Field Trip

Date: Saturday October 10th

Cost: 40TL for members, 50TL for non-members.

Transport: Vehicle share/convoy with vehicle occupants sharing mileage cost of designated drivers. Coach if sufficient interest/more than 6 cars.

Meeting place and time: Çatalköy Lemar - 08:00, Guzelyalı Beach 08:40

Bring: Something to eat and drink, optics, camera etc.

Dress appropriately to the weather forecast. Possible rain/mud.


* Kayalar to Sadrazamköy lighthouse including water tank, shore watch and stroll

* Geçitköy reservoir – Hopefully with some arranged guidance from a DSI (water works) representative

* Kalkanlı reservoir

* Order may change according to whether we can arrange a guide from DSI and his/her availability

For bookings contact Gavin Croucher: gavin.croucher@hotmail.com


Let Gavin know if you need to hire binoculars (10tl).

Let Gavin know if you can drive and if you can provide a 4*4.

Organise with Gavin a lift share to the meeting place.


Best regards


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