Heidi Trautmann

229 - Call for Artists - Mapping the Wor(l)d - Horst Weierstall

Mapping the wor(l)d    call for artists                     A one of a kind artist`s book project in two parts                    Part  1

Choose a word, a text, a line or a sequence from a literary source or newsmessage. Collage, deconstruct, reconstruct, draw, overdraw and combine your word and text with a fragment from the worldmap see: www.windfinder.com/forecasts/ in colour or black and white.        Size: maximum A2 variable in format

Your work can be folded, cut, collaged but has to be light to be connected with other works forming a larger wall-installation.

Part 2

Choose an encyclopedia, lexicon or dictionary of any kind (also old or discarded) and transform it into a new form (format) and  source for a new kind of reading.

Already existing artist`s books relating to the theme can be submitted.

Final date of submission for both projects: 15.6.2011                            Selected works will be presented:                   8.7.2011  at Theartspace Duesseldorf, Germany

Send your works with a short CV from 6.6.2011 onwards to:

Horst Weierstall Theartspace, Fuerstenplatz 1, 40215 Duesseldorf, Germany    Tel.00357-99-875117

e-mail: horstweierstall@googlemail.com

website: www.horstweierstall.com.cy



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