A Delicate Art Exhibition in Bellapais 17 April – 16 May
With M.Bosworth, M. Dane, S. Davis, K.Fensom, T.Francis, M.Shailer
By Heidi Trautmann
However great the distance between us may seem, we are not separate. Rather, we are ever connected, for the boundless heavens kiss the oceans and the seas and the shoulders of the tides rub up against the shore. I wish you peace and joy and love. May the light from the lighthouse guide you always safely home.
Every single painting of Kate Fensom’s carries a message. Painted fairy tales about innocent human beings, the sea and the earth and all other living creatures in-between.
It seems to become a yearly habit for Kate Fensom and Max Dane to invite artist friends to exhibit with them in the beautiful Crypt of the Bellapais Abbey. This year they have invited Margaret Bosworth again, an American artist, to show more of her most decorative paintings on the rich Islamic culture of days past in joyful colours; then there is Sheila Davis continuing a new mixed media technique she has developed in tender earth colours, very elegant and graphic; Maxene Shailer with a completely new working style, very interesting mixed media technique with collage infrastructures, and Tim Francis with pastel drawings, mostly landscapes, Cypriot landscaped, especially two of them I personally liked very much. Finally Max Dane represented with two different techniques, his very nice and conservative Cypriot scenes and his pistol technique with acrylic paints.
The Antiquity Department should invest in better lighting of the show room. Clever Kate Fensom brought an extra lamp from home to the Abbey to help the viewers to see her very precious and detailed work better.
The exhibition at the Bellapais Abbey will be open to the public from 17 April – 16 May
Viewing times: daily 10 am – 4 pm